
In 3 short days, you could have a 
Client-Getting Introduction that magnetizes your 
ideal clients and has them say “I need you!”

August 23rd - 25th

Delivered to your inbox and FREE live
Q&A / Laser Coaching

Can’t figure out why you hear “that’s great” when you tell people what you do, but they never buy?

Even when you can tell they need what you are selling? What gives?!?

You are in the perfect place if you...

  • Do great work and really transform lives but can't seem to get the attention of ideal clients.
  • Make a lot of friends from  networking but never get clients, it's like you've been "friend-zoned."
  • Don't know how to stand out amongst your competition. 
  • Don't know why you hear "I can't afford it" when other similar services charge much more than you do. 
  • Keep hearing "that's great" but they don't end up buying -- or even get on the phone with you.  

In just 3 days I'll give you:

  • The step-by-step process to craft your Client-Getting Introduction designed to grab the attention of the right people and blurt out "I need you!"
  • Clarity on the words to use to magnetize clients searching for YOU and exactly what you do, so they raise their hand and you can invite them to the next step.
  • How to construct your Client-Getting Introduction so clients "see" themselves in what you say and want to buy your services. 
  • The 3 mistakes that repel high ticket clients and how to go from a networking meeting to high ticket client in just 2 days.

If you *think* you have your 30 Second Introduction dialed in... 
but you're *still* not getting the results you desire, this is for you.

Until you can meet someone and share what you do and have them say "I need you!" you'll be scrambling for clients and forever running on empty.  

August 23rd - 25th

Delivered to your inbox and FREE live Q&A / Laser Coaching

Day 1 – Get Their Attention: Identify their Urgent, Expensive Top of Mind Problem

Day 2 – Speak to the Problem You Solve: Create Vivid Picture Benefits 

Day 3 – Book the Meeting: Craft your Client-Getting 30 Second Introduction

By the end of the Challenge, you’ll have a Client-Getting Introduction THAT YOU LOVE*** and that clients "get" and want to BUY. 

*** That’s very important to me. I’m not going to talk you into saying anything that doesn't feel like something you'd say and you're confident about. I have a proven system that enables you to find YOUR words that will magnetize ideal clients because they "get" it and want to buy it.