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With Sarah's support, for the first time, I really stood in my value, and made my biggest offer ever at $10,000. It was my biggest week yet AND I'm on track for my first $18,000 month!
She helped me create a package to present to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and she coached me on how to make a strong offer.
I really appreciate Sarah’s knowledge and honoring of partnership, and masculine and feminine powers. It was a relief and revelation as a woman business owner to pay as much attention to how I am feeling as I do to what I am doing.
Sarah gives you tons of templates and tools, scripts and outlines, and then shows you how to customize them for you and you business. Now I have all these resources to draw from when marketing and selling.
It's totally do-able!
A common mistake people make is thinking the only way to make high ticket sales is to be pushy or manipulative in order to find clients…
So instead of doing something that feels “smarmy” or “Icky” …
They over-correct and don't do anything.
(Which means … NO SALES.)
That way of selling (persuading, “hard” selling tactics) is masculine and doesn't allow the space for true exploration, possibility, and (feminine) intuition that is REQUIRED for high ticket sales.
Don’t get me wrong: There are “masculine” strategies that are needed in high-ticket selling (in fact, about 20% of the selling process is the masculine strategy)…
But the “feminine flow” accounts for 80% of the sales process.
The traditional masculine “sales script” – when used right – can give you the STRUCTURE and the “safety net” you need to stay on track.
But you cannot rely 100% on the script – and this is the fatal mistake that most experts make that results in, “Maybe next month”, “I’d like to think about it” …
Or any of the other “objections” that are really polite substitutes for, “I don’t see the VALUE in what you do.”
If you want your ideal, dreamy clients to buy your high-touch, high-impact transformation…
You need to demonstrate on the sales call that you “get” them – and that you are a highly competent, highly empathetic expert who can solve their problem.
And the way to demonstrate that is to lead the call with FEMININE FLOW…
Using the “masculine sales script” is as a GUIDE for the most important 80% of the sales process: YOUR INTUITION.
Being able to navigate the conversation through intuitive exploration, curiosity, possibility …
THAT is the “feminine flow” that makes you stand out as both extremely competent – and empathetic … a combination that sets you up as an authority they want to buy from.
These two parts – masculine strategy (“the script”) and feminine flow (your intuition) – MUST come together in the exact right proportions if you want to sell high-ticket easefully, gracefully – and without selling sex appeal or being slutty).
In Feminine Sales Power, this is exactly what I teach you.
With Sarah’s guidance, I raised my rates by 3x, sold my work as an entire package for the first time and closed two new ideal clients in just 6 weeks.
Sarah Michael truly is a loving, caring, and inspirational coach. Brilliant! Need I say more? Hire Sarah and get on with your uncorked life.
~ Gordon M., Austin, TX
Most people think that if they show your quirky or goofy sides, people won’t take you seriously but that’s just not the case. A BIG part of what people buy is YOU!
What we do at FSP is help you get comfortable doing the things you know you need to, so that you can show up as the powerful leader you are – confident to show your goofy or quirky sides, knowing deep down inside that what people are buying IS you.
There’s nothing to hide, and nothing to prove.
When you know how to leverage solid strategy AND your intuition, enrolling high ticket clients who want your high touch, high impact transformation is easy.
A common mistake people make is they learn a cookie cutter script that they’re disconnected from (ack!) and doesn’t create the depth of conversation and depth of connection you need to sell high ticket.
How FSP is different is I show you how to create a customized structure (instead of a “script”) and relax into it, so you ask really great, thoughtful questions that help your potential client feel seen, heard and understood – and as you do, that depth of conversation and connection naturally happen, and you get that YES!
Just ONE “Masculine Structure that Support Feminine Flow” you get at FSP.Focus on the right money-making (marketing) strategies for where you’re at in business and create the right mix for YOU and your personality, style and rhythms – without doing “all the things”.
At FSP, you’ll figure out which 2-3 main money-making strategies best align with your strengths, personality and quirks, so you create consistent cash flow.
Once you understand the difference between short- and long-term money-making strategies – and more importantly, which strategies work for YOU uniquely, it’s so much easier to grow your business without backsliding or working yourself to death.
I am Sarah Michael, and I’m ALL about you letting go of what you think other people want from you, so you can bring MORE of yourself out in your sales and marketing.
I help visionary leaders ready to doing the inner and outer work to be the force of nature they were born to be, and create real financial results – consistently – without the cost to themselves.
That’s where the
magic + money happen.
No B.S., no $100K in 3 months promises, no hype-y pressure, no "magic bullet" or one-size fits all solutions.
Just solid, practical action steps gained from my years on the front lines of distressed and bankrupt companies, learning how businesses succeed and fail.
That, coupled with a Feminine Sales Mindset + Conversation Structure that melds solid strategy with your intuition gives clients the know-how and confidence to have powerful sales conversations that connect and convert.
Simply put, I guide
You back to You
Your gifts, your quirky, your brilliance and your power as expressed in your marketing and sales – your Feminine Sales Power.
I’ve struggled myself knowing in my core I had to figure out a way to make all the strategies I learned work better – and feel better.
· Break the mold of what you think you need to be doing or saying
· Tailor it to fit you and your personality
· Find out your unique mix of marketing and sales that's yours ONLY
I’ve done this for myself, numerous clients around the world and I am here to help you do just that, too.
Celeste Hartwell on her Feminine Sales Power experience
Fast-Track Your Growth with:
Experiential Roleplaying
Expression + Confidence Games
Immersive Training
Can't wait to help you
step into your
Feminine Sales Power!