
Frustrated you keep playing small and want to stop but just can’t seem to?

Worried you’ll say the wrong thing and upset people?

Afraid you’ll be judged if you bring all of yourself out in your business? 

Safe to Be Seen
Visibility Mastery for Visionary Entrepreneurs & Leaders

A 6 month immersive and growth-focused program to help you:

  • Be confident to show up as YOU without fear of being judged, rejected or attacked -- on camera (especially video!), sales calls, or stages
  • Bring all of yourself out in your marketing and sales, so ideal clients recognize you when you show up and want to buy 
  • Stop avoid sales conversations or doing them but being a jumble of nerves the whole time so you sign up more clients 
  • Put yourself out there in your marketing and sales in a powerful and confident way and take action now knowing things don’t have to be perfect 

Includes Video Confidence 4 Weeks Course

  • Get comfortable showing your face and body in pictures and video, since your inner critic isn’t running the show anymore 
  • Stop playing small and holding back what you really want to say since you express your opinions and perspectives
  • Start sharing your expertise and opinions in online in a way that feels good and attracts ideal clients (without being hype-y or sales-y) 

How It Works:

  • 3 (90 min) virtual workshops per month (first three Wednesdays of the month 
  • 1 Integration / Action Partner week (last week of the month)
  • “Just Us” Judgement-Free FB Group 


$4997 Paid in Full or 

$1000 deposit with (5) monthly payments of $997 (total of $5994)

FAST ACTION BONUS if you act fast you’ll receive (1) Visibility Breakthrough Session with Siddiqi and (1) Safe to Be Seen Confidence Session with Sarah

VIP Premium Option - Visibility Mastery PLUS

2 (1 hour) Coaching Sessions a month for 6 months

$8500 Paid in Full or

$2000 deposit with (7) monthly payments of $1197 (total of $10,379)