Welp, best laid plans come undone…
I shot 2 videos on Friday – without makeup, I’ll have you know – starting with the last of the video wrapping up how to customize a formula, system or strategy to fit YOU, and giving some examples of precisely what that looks like.
I had *planned* on sending out that video right away with the other next week, and um, yeah, I deleted it before I realized it didn’t upload correctly. (Cue grad school video tech hassle flashback – cruuuud!)
So in the interest of not letting tech hassles slow me down, I rearranged the plan!
The whole not wearing makeup thing was for a deliberate reason, because I’m announcing a ~free~ 21 Day Experience called Project: YOU – Be Seen & Get Comfortable in Your Marketing.
In a super safe container of “just us,” we’re going to work out the fears and mucky “stuff” around being seen for who you are when you bring ALL of you – and who you can BE for others when you show up fully.
Check out all the info here and sign on up (it’s totally free!):
At your own pace, with some loving nudges from me, I’ll guided you through a process that will increase your comfort level with bringing the ALL of yourself out – your quirky ad opinionated and your gifts and expertise.
The Premise:
Post 1 pic to Snapchat of yourself per day – stretching yourself to post the pic you do not want to post.
For some it could be EVEN taking a “selfie,” for others smiling big or being goofy, and for others, not wearing makeup or looking “professional” may be the growing edge.
The Process:
The process is loosely organized in phases to give you direction and ideas for uncovering layers of yourself you’ve been holding back in your marketing.
Get It Out: Letting Go of What You Think You Should Look Like
Let It Out: the Quirky, the Unique, the Opinionated (POV)
Own It: Business Expertise Messaging On Brand
Expand It: Say More with 1 minute videos on Snap chat
Unleash It: Begin to use some of the pics / videos in your marketing messaging via Social Media, your email list, etc.
NINJA LEVEL: Begin to shoot longer 2-3 minutes videos on your phone, computer or Periscope and share those on Social media and email too!
All so your tribe, your audience and your potential clients can recognize and trust you when they meet you.
Join me? https://sparklingresultscoaching.com/project-you/
Oh and, if even reading this email is making you nervous, then yeah, this is for you. We’ll work it out it together in a safe, supportive space.
(Third video on its way later this week, I’ll be reshooting that.)
LOVE this. Thank you for being so authentic. And for this 21-day gift!!! <3